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Consorzio di bonifica 4 Basso Valdarno

The Consorzio 4 Basso Valdarno is an economic public authority managed by its own “consorziati” whose primary aims are the hydraulic safeguard, the waters draining, the natural environment safeguard and the irrigation.

Franco Fambrini
Director of the suppressed Consorzio del Padule di Fucecchio (nowadays Consorzio 4 Basso Valdarno) since 1993, he organized and took part in several projects about the activities of the environmental heritage safeguard and about the development of the Padule di Fucecchio area. In addition to the Life project + “Sos Tuscan Wetlands”, since 1998 he took part in two community projects, called “Wet Net” and “Lander Water”, to realize a digitized system of the waters and the land. He has been Poject Manager of the Life Project until the 4th of September.

Dott. Ing. Sandro Borsacchi
From 5 September 2018, with Decree n. 39 of 5 September 2018 of the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Consorzio 4 Basso Valdarno, he was appointed as the new Project Manager of the Life “Sos Tuscan Wetlands”.

Sandro Borsacchi graduated in Civil-Hydraulic Engineering in 1982 at the University of Pisa with a thesis on the hydraulic risk of the Arno. He works in Bologna at a company active in the hydrological / hydraulic field, creating and using the first computer assisted calculation models. In 1985 he was in charge of the technical area of ​​the “Office of Rivers and Fossi” reclamation consortium of Pisa, maintenance and manager of the water system of the Pianura Pisana (700 sq. Km). In 2003 he also became the director. Following the L.R. toscana 79/2012, with the establishment of the new 4 Basso Valdarno Consortium, carries out functions of manager of the technical area planning and studies, responsible for projects for flood regulation and the defense of the territory from floods. Currently he also serves as general manager.

Ing. Mattia Bonfanti
RUP –  Project Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.
Ing. Caterina Turchi
Technical coordination – Project Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.
Ing. Jr. Cristiano Nardini
Technical coordination – Project Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.
Geom. Francesco Andreotti
Works direction – Progetto Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.
dott. Riccardo Ferri
Financial reporting – Project Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.
dott.ssa Sabrina Boldrini
Administration – Project Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.
Michela Tognetti
Communication – Project Life + “SOS Tuscan Wetlands”.



University of Florence – Department of Biology

The team of the Department of Biology (University of Florence, Associated Beneficiary of the project), supervised by Prof Felicita Scapini (http://www.unifi.it/p-doc2-2013-200010-S-3f2a372d39302b.html) and supported by the technician Dr Giulio Ferretti, is responsible to carry out the monitoring and control activities on the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Actions A.2, C.2), the socio-economic monitoring (Action D.2), and to coordinate the monitoring activities on vegetation and on target animal and plant species (Action D.1.).

Laura Aquiloni
(post-doc fellowship “Identifying the best practices to control the alien invasive crayfish”, ongoing)
MD in Natural Sciences, PhD in Ethology and Animal Ecology. She has a long experience on invasive species, particularly on the red swamp crayfish and the development of techniques to control/eradicate it. She participated in several projects on Procambarus clarkii, included the project LIFE RARITY (http://www.life-rarity.eu/) “Eradicate invasive Louisiana red swamp and preserve native white clawed crayfish in Friuli Venezia Giulia”. In the present project, she deals with data analyses and management plans on crayfish.
Elena Cecchinelli
(temporary collaboration “Monitoring the invasive species Procambarus clarkii for the project LIFE11 NAT/IT/094 SOS Tuscan Wetlands”, finished)
MD in Natural Sciences at University of Pisa. She attended the post-graduate Master in preserving and managing the fauna at University of Florence with a thesis on the red swamp crayfish. She took part in projects on management of this species. For this LIFE, in 2014 she participated in the monitoring and control activities on Procambarus clarkii.
Alberto Francesco Inghilesi
(post-doc fellowship “Environmental and socio-economic monitoring of the management actions in the project LIFE11 NAT/IT/094 SOS Tuscan Wetlands”, ongoing)
MD in Natural Sciences, PhD in Ethology, Animal Ecology and Anthropology. Since his MD, he works on alien species, both terrestrial (insects) and freshwater (crayfish, coypu, bullfrog). He participated in several projects on this topic, included the LIFE RARITY. For the present LIFE, he deals with the environmental monitoring (specifically water parameters, and sampling activities on amphibians and macroinvertebrates) and socio-economic monitoring of the management actions carried out for the project.
Elena Tricarico
(post-doc fellowship “Data collection and analyses of the monitoring activities on the invasive species Procambarus clarkii in the project LIFE11 NAT/IT/094 SOS Tuscan Wetlands”, ongoing)
MD in Natural Sciences, PhD in Ethology and Animal Ecology. Since a long time, she works on invasive species, particularly in freshwater ecosystems. She took part in several Italian and European projects on the topic. Currently, she is also involved in the COST Action “ALIEN CHALLENGE” (http://www.brc.ac.uk/alien-challenge/home). In the present project, she follows the monitoring and control activities on the red swamp crayfish through fieldwork and data analyses.

Partners – External professionals

Alessio Bartolini
Nato a Pistoia il 18 marzo 1966. Laureato con lode in Scienze Forestali presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze con una tesi sui Ciconiformi coloniali del Padule di Fucecchio, ottiene l’abilitazione all’esercizio della professione, che svolge occupandosi prevalentemente di ornitologia e conservazione di habitat e specie. Dal 1998 presiede alla direzione tecnica delle attività di gestione della Riserva Naturale del Padule di Fucecchio per conto del Centro di Ricerca Documentazione e Promozione del Padule di Fucecchio onlus (soggetto convenzionato con la Provincia di Pistoia). Collabora attivamente con il Centro Ornitologico Toscano e con vari soggetti gestori di aree protette, svolgendo fin dal 1984 attività di censimento dell’avifauna svernante (con qualifica di rilevatore) e partecipando a numerosi progetti di monitoraggio dell’avifauna in aree umide, agricole, forestali, montane e urbane. Collabora attivamente con le associazioni ambientaliste, fornendo consulenza relativamente alle vertenze che attengono alla tutela di specie selvatiche e ambienti naturali. Ha coordinato i gruppi di lavoro che hanno redatto vari Piani di Gestione di SIC e ZPS e studi di fattibilità di aree protette. Ha inoltre preso parte a progetti di ricerca e innovazione finalizzati ad rendere maggiormente compatibili le pratiche agricole con la conservazione della diversità biologica. E’ autore di numerosi articoli e pubblicazioni scientifiche e divulgative.
Sandro Bertolino
Biologist with a PhD in Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Conservation, achieved with a thesis on the management of the American grey squirrel for the conservation of the European red squirrel. The main research interests include the eco-ethology of small mammals, particularly rodents, aimed at their conservation and the management of introduced species. He made studies at the community level and on single species, such as garden and fat dormouse and red squirrel. On the red squirrel he has been leading a long-term research in the alpine environment in the Gran Paradiso National Park since 2000.

The study on introduced species covers the impacts that these mammals produce on native species, ecosystems and human activities in general, the definition of effective management practices and the development of policies based on prevention. I conducted applied studies on grey squirrel and other alien squirrels, nutria and cottontail, also in connection with the native species (gray squirrel and red squirrel, cottontail and hare). I work with several Italian and European research institutes in the implementation of genetic and parasitological studies, and the use of predictive models to evaluate future spreads and the effects of management strategies. Regarding the nutria, in particular, I collaborate with Parks, Regional governments and other Institutions for the development of effective and sustainable management practices over time.

Marta Biaggini
Graduated in Natural Sciences at the Department of Evolutionistic Biology “Leo Pardi” of Florence University, she got her Ph.D. in Animal Ethology and Ecology in 2009. Her job and research activity is mainly focused on the ecology and conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles. She’s collaborating with the University of Florence with postdoctoral grants and taking part in projects financed by local institutions, parks and Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare. She’s authors of papers in Italian and international scientific journals. As an Environmental Guide she operates in the field of didactic and environmental tours.
Stefano Braccini
Bachelor’s degree in Forest Science and Agro-engineering Science with full marks and distinction at the University of Florence. Since 2010 freelance Agronomist, dealing mainly in certain sectors such as environmental monitoring (with particular reference to riparian ecosystems and river riparian and river ecosystems), design of interventions of environmental protection, and more generally in counseling about agro forestry interventions. Within the Project LIFE+ “SOS Tuscan Wetlands – Control of invasive alien species to restore threatened habitats inland wetlands of northern Tuscany” deals with the final design for the forest part of the task C.4 (Redevelopment and expansion of alluvial forests and riparian mixed forests – habitat 91E0* and 91F0) and task C.5 (Restoration and improvement of habitat 91AA* “Eastern white oak woods”).
Leonardo Lombardi
Member of  NEMO Nature and Environment Management Operators. Naturalist and botanist. Expert in planning and management of natural resources, with particular reference to the system of Protected areas and Natura 2000 Sites. Expert in projects and policies of nature conservation, biodiversity and landscape, environmental assessment of plans and projects. Experience in application of naturalistic knowledge in planning and sector policies acquired in numerous professional experiences. Significant experience as an editor and technical coordinator of the Plan of Biodiversity of the Tuscany Region (2008-2011) and as a contributor to the drafting of the Regional Landscape Plan (2012-2015).
Gianna Dondini - Simone Vergari
Gianna Dondini e Simone Vergari, chirotterologi, da ltre 20 anni svolgono attività di ricerca e conservazione sui chirotteri. Hanno pubblicato molti lavori scientifici e divulgativi sui pipistrelli, sulla loro ecologia e conservazione.
Paolo Sposimo
Laureato in Scienze Naturali con 110 e lode/110 presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica di Firenze, con Tesi su “Comunità di uccelli nidificanti sui Monti della Calvana (Firenze)” Ha collaborato con l’Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica per le attività di ricerca “Progetto Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia (1983-86)” e “Schema Nazionale per l’inanellamento scientifico degli uccelli” Partecipa regolarmente ai programmi di inanellamento “Progetto Piccole Isole” e “Acroproject”. E’ socio fondatore e membro del Comitato Scientifico permanente del Centro Ornitologico Toscano (c/o Museo Prov. di Storia Naturale di Livorno).